Rekognito Lite (Artificial Intelligence) App

About App :

The day to day hurdles faced by the blind individuals is not unknown to anyone. Minimizing these problems to some extent, our idea is to develop a mobile android application for helping them recognize their surrounding objects. The mobile android application will have the following features-
• A very basic user interface with only camera facility to avoid incorrect input from the user.
• Verbal instructions for helping the blind people to yield maximum use.
• The scanned products, images or text documents will be conveyed to the user in speech format.
• Quick results with shortest acknowledgement time.
• Google Vision API to enable label, colour and text detection.
• Development using Android Studio for user friendly experience.
This mobile application will provide solution for two main hurdles –
1) Text document reading
2) Product recognition

Text document reading
• Many official documents like Aadhar card, pan card, etc. cannot be identified by the blind individuals.
• Also, book reading or newspaper reading are merely impossible tasks for them.
• With text to speech converter, our mobile application will help them to easily know what is written.
• All that the user has to do is to place his mobile phone camera across the text area.
• The text identified from the image will be made audible to the visually impaired individuals.
• Verbal instructions will be provided to enable the correct positioning of mobile phone camera over the complete text.
• Reading made easy!

Product Recognition :
• A blind person cannot know what’s around him. Our android application would provide him the facility to just place the product under his mobile phone’s camera and all the details of the product such as name, colour etc. will be conveyed to the user.
• Dimensions of the scanned product, like its height and width with also be announced.
• This app will prove more useful when the blind person is out for shopping. User will know all the details like product name, price, expiry date, direction of use, etc. which will reduce the user from being dependent on others.
• The billed amount will also be conveyed to the user.

• In case of piled objects or products kept in a group, total count can be recognized and conveyed to the user.
• 3D functioning of the identified image can be explained to the user.
• Distance of the detected object from the user can be calculated to denote user safety.
• Complete details of the scanned product can be informed to the user through web mining.
• Distinguishing between harmful and harmless objects present in the user’s vicinity.

Hackathon Winning app (State Level)